I had 2 years to decide paint colours. I researched extensively and built up a huge Pinterest scrapbook on how I wanted the place to look but when it came time to paint I was still undecided.None of my favourite collected images had all the same variables as we did and I couldn’t find a cohesive statement look for the entire place. We’ve some particular details which always led my options – pale pink bricks, creamy cotswold stone and a core corridor which forms part of most rooms and therefore links all the colour schemes.Still undecided at the last minute I let myself be led by others. We had a very satisfactory starting point on which we agreed – that we’d like the whole place to feel like a lived in old tweed jacket – but from there I think we got a little lost.

Our previous home had been full of colour with rich and deep hues in abundance but it had been a dark house and we had always said we wanted our next house to be full of light. Unfortunately this house is very restricted in it’s windows and we aren’t permitted any more. We made the very standard conclusion that we would have to keep our paint colours light to improve the overall brightness of the house. This does make sense though it doesn’t really work, the house remained dark as that is it’s true nature despite the pale tones.We lived in a pale house for 18 months but I always had the feeling that after all our hard work the house still wasn’t everything I wanted it to be. I had no love for the rooms…until we began to repaint.
We’ve just repainted the second of our beige rooms in darker tweed tones and I swoon at the new depth and cosiness each time I walk past. We may not have everything perfected yet but we’ve made a huge leap in the right direction. This home doesn’t need to be perfect, all it needs is to be loved.
